5 Super Simple (But Mega Effective) Fat Burning Exercises You Can Easily Do at Home

Is expensive gym equipment the key to fat burning success?

No! Of course not.

They say that success is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration… so, really, fancy kit adds nothing to the equation at all?

Fact is, you don’t need to rely on gyms or fancy equipment to achieve killer results. With the right knowledge and techniques by your side, you can do a number of amazing, fat burn exercises in the comfort of your own home. In this article, we’ll share 5 of the best ways to reach the fat burn zone wherever you are.

But before we deep-dive into the ‘how to’ of fat burning workouts, it’s worth a quick pitstop: what exactly is fat burn heart rate? And how do you get into ‘The zone’? 

Fat burning zone: the basics

When you’re working out at home, or anywhere without the supervision of some trained professionals, it’s important to understand what you’re doing and why.

So to prep you for your home-based fat burn exercise routine, here’s a super quick breakdown of what fat burn is all about...

In simple terms, the ‘fat burning zone’ is where you ideally need — yep, you guessed it! — burn the most body fat.

Sometimes referred to as the ‘fat burn heart rate zone’ too, the fat burning zone equates to ideal levels of intensity in which your body begins using fat stores for energy, consequently ‘burning it off’ as you exercise. 

Of course, this ideal level of intensity will differ from woman to woman. So it’s also worth knowing how to calculate your fat burn zone.

How to calculate your fat burn heart rate zone

Typically, your fat burning heart rate is considered to be 70% of your maximum heart rate value. Your maximum heart rate is the most your heart should be beating during exercise — to work this out, simply subtract your age from 220. 

So, if you’re 25, your maximum heart rate is 195 beats per minute (bpm). To successfully enter and remain in the fat burning zone during exercise, you’d ideally want your heart rate to be around 136bpm (70% of 195). 

If you’re working out at the gym, tracking your heart rate couldn’t be easier — most, if not all, hi-tech gym equipment comes complete with an in-built heart rate monitor for this exact purpose.

Tracking your heart rate at home requires a slightly different approach… but it doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated! These days there are tonnes of affordable wrist monitors to do the job — simply strap to your wrist like a normal watch and start squatting!

Sure, there are other ways of monitoring your heart rate at home, but a cheap(ish) bit of wearable tech is by far the easiest. If you’re already using a Fitbit or Apple Watch for other workout support, you’re good to go. If not, it’s worth shopping around to find the best heart rate monitor for your budget and style. 

5 simple fat burn exercise techniques anyone can do

Now we’ve established the science behind your body’s ability to burn fat, it’s time to discover some super simple exercises you can do from the comfort of your very own home — with no equipment required!

A beginner to fat burning workouts? No worries. Only got 5 minutes a day to squeeze fat burn in? Not a problem either.

No matter where you are in your fitness journey, or how busy your daily routine tends to be, the following exercises will have you feeling trim and energised in no time!

Fat burn exercise #1. Jump squats

It’s no secret how awesome squats are for building the booty. But if burning fat and losing weight is your top priority, you can transform squats into a killer cardio move guaranteed to get your body moving and boost your heart rate. 

To start, it’s essential that you master the perfect squat position to avoid accidental injury. Begin with your feet placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and bend down until your thighs are as close to being parallel to the floor as possible. Then as you’re rising back up to a regular standing position, add a small jump and be sure to land on the balls of your feet for comfort. 

Super simple yet brilliant for getting your heart pumping and your fat burning, jump squats can be done virtually anywhere — even in the kitchen whilst you’re cooking brunch!

Fat burn exercise #2. Push ups with kicks

Many of us complain about our arms — either that they need more muscle definition, or have hard-to-budge ‘wings’. And whilst your body shape is already far more beautiful than you allow yourself to think, there’s really no harm in building some arm workouts into your fat burn routine.

Simply get yourself into a regular push-up position with your arms shoulder-width apart. Perform a normal push up descent then, as you’re coming back up, bring one knee in to meet your chest — as far in as you can — return, and alternate your legs with each push up you do. 

Not for the faint-hearted, this fat burn exercise may require a little practice and perseverance. But once you’ve mastered it and got your balance to a place of performing multiple moves at once, raising your heart rate to the fat burn zone will be yours for the taking! 

Fat burn exercise #3: Jump rope

If you’ve been under the impression jump ropes are just for kids, think again! A brilliant cardio accessory and super inexpensive to buy, jumping a rope is perfect for raising your heart rate fast.

Better still, you can incorporate the concept of HIIT perfectly when using a jump rope too. Referred to as high intensity interval training, HIIT can provide absolute killer results for burning fat. Not only do you burn a load of calories during HIIT, but you also significantly raise your metabolism from a phenomenon known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). 

This bodily state means your body will continue burning calories at a faster rate even after your workout is finished, tapping into fat stores to replenish lost energy and make repairs. Basically, you’ll turn into a fat burning machine even after you’ve stopped exercising! 

The concept of HIIT is very simple — try completing 45 seconds of your chosen exercise to the highest intensity you can cope with, then have 15 seconds of rest before starting again. And with jump rope being arguably one of the easiest and most effective exercises to try HIIT with, accelerating your fat burning potential is simple. 

Fat burn exercise #4: Plank

Core-focused and requiring serious endurance, the plank is a great way to work your body hard without having to actually move around — perfect if you’re in a slightly confined space with little time on your hands. 

Simply administer a traditional push-up position but instead of resting your hands on their palms, rest on the lower half of your arms from elbow to hand. Hold the position for as long as you can stand, and that’s a plank! 

(Remember to check the position of your booty: if it’s too high, or too low, you won’t be in perfect form. For best results, tuck your butt in a little bit whilst really engaging your core.)

Hugely effective for working your entire body to the max, planks aren’t stereotypically thought of as a fat burn exercise. However, due to the sheer endurance necessary to hold the position for a significant amount of time, you can rest assured that fat will be burnt!

Fat burn exercise #5: Jumping jacks

What we used to call ‘star jumps’ as kids, jumping jacks are absolutely not child’s play when it comes to fat burn!

This super speedy workout is hugely cardio-focused and requires you to move all your limbs at once — creating increased in heart rate with plenty of sweat involved!

Simply extend both arms and both legs out simultaneously, then bring them back in together. Keep repeating — at speed! — and you’ll be doing multiple jumping jacks like a total pro. 

Now you’re ready to get in the fat burn heart rate zone, wherever you’re working out

There you have it, some super simple (yet highly effective) at-home exercises to kickstart your fat burning journey for 2020. 

Better still, all of these exercises can be easily combined to develop a full workout plan if you have the time; giving you all you need to work virtually all areas of your body and burn some serious calories while doing it. At home, in the park or even at the gym, take these 5 exercises with you wherever you go for ultimate fat burn success!

For more workout tips, head over to our blog. And if you’ve ever got any questions related to fitness, healthy eating or other fat burn techniques, you know where to find us

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