Valentine’s or Galentine’s, This Fun Two-Person Cardio Session Will Burn Fat (And Make You Smile!)

Whether you’re gearing up for a romantic night-in with your partner, or planning a sassy Galentine’s day with your single besties, February 14th is a great opportunity to show yourself some love.

And what better way than by getting your heart pumping with a super effective fat burning workout? 

Better still, this session is designed for two!

It’s no secret that working out in a pair can be a welcome break to your fitness regime. You can push each other to go further, support deep stretches, and generally make the time go faster when you’re hanging out whilst working out.

What’s more, once those endorphins are flowing, you’ll both be sharing in the euphoria a great workout can deliver.

So, grab your fitness buddy and get ready, because this cardio session is epic…

The ultimate fat burning cardio hit

If getting your heart pumping is your goal, this intense fat burn cardio workout is guaranteed to get those mood-boosting endorphins going. And all you need is a dumbbell, a simple jump rope and someone who’s up for a killer partner workout.

Of course, every session — with a partner or on your own — should start with a warm up. So begin jogging on the spot together for at least 3 minutes — or you could do a combination of jogging and jumping jacks for more variety. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat. But this time, hold a 5-pound dumbbell for the entire duration. This will increase the amount of energy required, and replicates a similar sensation to walking on a treadmill incline. 

After another 30-second resting period, pick up your jump rope for a final 2 minutes to give your body that extra push of fat burn cardio. Repeat at least two times over for the ultimate calorie busting result.

If one of you starts dropping behind, give them a pep talk! The best bit about working out as a two is that the other person’s always got your back.

Next up: fat burning exercises for two

One of the best things about at-home partner workouts is your ability to customise them. 

Whether working out with your boyfriend, girlfriend or Galentine’s bestie, you can complete individual moves or create your very own combinations, allowing you to target specific areas of your body or achieve a full-body burn. 

Here’s some simple yet powerful individual exercises to try, specifically designed to be completed as a two.

Rotational Twist

Stand back-to-back, with one of you holding a medicine ball directly in front of your abs. 

(If you don’t have access to a medicine ball, the dumbbell you were using just before will also be fine — you essentially just need something heavy, that’s easy to hold!)

The person holding the heavy object rotates to the left, passing the ball to their partner as they turn to the right. Keep repeating for 45 seconds, continuing to rotate and pass the ball to one another. Then, switch directions for another 45, leaving a few seconds rest in between both sets if necessary. 

Can you feel that core burning?! 

This is one of the simplest partner workouts you can do, without compromising on fat burning impact. 

Squat Kicks

This next partner exercise may require a little practice — but it’s definitely worth it! 

Stand facing one another, with your hands stanced in fists and legs at least shoulder-width apart. Be sure to stand at least 2-3 feet away from each other. 

One partner performs a low squat move, whilst the other performs a roundhouse kick, essentially kicking a leg over their head. Switch positions with each kick, ensuring to alternate fairly between squats and kicks. 

Try to complete at least 50 moves in total, standing the correct distance away from one another for the entire duration. 

Sure to result in a serious leg burn without requiring any equipment, this set is great for both couples and besties alike. What’s more, it’s a proper exercise in trust too! Who’s going to flinch the most?!

Wheelbarrow Push-Ups

Great for working your arms and designed to replicate the actions of both a push-up and a deadlift in one, this two-person exercise is easy to master but a lot of fun to perform.

One of you gets into a classic plank position, whilst the other stands behind holding the planking person’s ankles. When on the floor, it’s your job to move into a regular push-up by bending elbows down to the floor. At the same time, the person standing bends over from the hips.

Finding it hard to imagine? The standing person is basically recreating a simple deadlift-style move, whilst the other is performing push-ups. 

Repeat at least 20 times before switching positions. 

Why are partner workouts so effective?

Whilst there’s definitely nothing wrong with working out solo, partner workouts have been consistently found to be super beneficial — and may even generate better results

A major benefit of working out with others is increased motivation. If your bestie or partner is a little stronger or faster than you (or vice versa), it instantly creates a sense of healthy competition. 

If you’ve got even an ounce of competitive nature, you’ll be pushing yourself to keep up — going harder and further than you would if you were working out alone. With increased drive, there’s a strong chance you’ll reach your fitness goals a little faster. 

Plus, let’s be honest, working out with someone else is just more fun

There’s nothing better than motivating someone close to you to achieve their absolute best, and experiencing the same mood-boosting encouragement in return. 

Lastly, you’re also a lot less likely to skip workouts if you exercise in pairs. If you’ve made plans to meet your bestie at the gym, you’d feel guilty for not showing up, wouldn’t you? So, for ultimate accountability in your fitness journey, make regular plans to work out with others.

We hope you have a great Valentine’s Day, no matter who you’re spending it with! And on the topic of self love, why not treat yourself to a delicious — but totally guilt-free — protein packed treat? Go on, you deserve it!

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