Can I burn fat in my sleep?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could eat a gourmet meal, veg out on the couch for the evening and then settle down in bed and burn all those unwanted calories while comfortably dozing in the land of nod?

While this might seem like nothing more than a fantasy, there is actually a sleep science you should know about that can aid your overall weight loss. Sure, you won’t be able to burn the same number of calories by dreaming about running as you would actually going for a run, but you absolutely can support your existing weight loss plan by practising good sleep habits and knowing how your body uses sleep to regenerate.

Read on to discover more…

Why do we sleep?

Once we are asleep, our bodies do amazing things. Cognitively, our brain’s go through the process of storing memories acquired throughout the day. Tissue throughout your body rejuvenates and repairs, hormones synthesize and adenosine (a chemical produced by the brain’s neurones during the day, causing our feeling of tiredness) have a chance to clear. Fascinatingly, growth hormones are more active when you’re sleeping too, so if you’re trying to build muscle, this is a crucial aspect of your daily routine that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Are we getting enough?

According to studies, a third of Australians reporthaving regular sleep disturbances and waking feeling groggy and tired. Sleep psychologist Professor Dorothy Bruck says that modern life has a profound influence on the quality of our sleep. With our minds and bodies in overdrive throughout the day, many people forget to have that essential downtime before bed to give themselves a chance to settle. Smartphones, TV and late night social media binges can be partly to blame, as well as staying out too late, drinking alcohol and working late. Of course, nobody is saying you shouldn’t have fun! But, if your fun (or work) is interfering with your sleep on a regular basis, your health and appearance can suffer. Not only will your skin, eyes and hair give away your sleep deprivation, but you’ll find you have less energy for the gym, a slower metabolic rate and, consequently, a harder time burning fat and building muscle.

How can sleep help me to burn fat?

Sleep deprivation can disable your metabolic function, meaning you burn fat more slowly. It also reduces your energy levels, so you’re a lot less likely to go for a morning jog and a lot more likely to reach for a high carb breakfast to try and fuel your body with sugar energy. Nobody wants to get stuck into a cycle like that, so, getting a full night’s sleep on a regular basis is critical to maintaining a healthy metabolic rate and overall vitality levels. At Luxe Fitness, we help give your metabolism an extra boost. Sleep Burner Pluscontains a blend of herbal and nutritional ingredients to support your weight management journey as well as targeting restful rejuvenating sleep. While, like all Luxe Fitness products, it contains a blend of nourishing ingredients, the one that’s present in this particular product to aid metabolic activity is lemon balm. Lemon balm is a naturally occurring herb with a multitude of uses, one of which is that it promotes better quality, deeper sleep which gives your body the undisturbed time it requires to properly rejuvenate. One studyhas even shown that it has the same sedative effect as valerian but without the fuzzy hangover – which is fantastic news for you early risers!

But, as well as supplementing your evening routine with Sleep Burner Plus, you should also try practising good sleep hygiene as recommended by health professionals worldwide. These techniques include:

  • Giving yourself an hour before bed without technology
  • Eating earlier in the evening rather than later. This gives your body more energy to focus on rejuvenating your muscle tissue and neurones, rather than digesting whatever you’ve eaten 20 minutes before bed.
  • Following a bedtime pattern. For example, aiming to get into bed at roughly the same time every night and rising at the same time each morning.
  • Practising mindfulness and meditation in your evenings to calm your brain after a busy day
  • Giving your bedroom positive vibes so that you enjoy being in there. This might include buying nice new bedding, tidying the clutter, burning scented candles and putting up some nice pictures of friends and family.

Whatever you find works for you, carry on doing it! And, conversely, if you notice anything that hinders your sleep, ditch those bad habits and work to form better ones. Sleep is critical for your weight loss and overall fitness, and by combining a specially formulated supplement with good sleep hygiene, you can be sure to aid your weight loss effectively.

About the Author

Emma Rowlands is a professional writer with a passion for health and science. Emma has years of experience working in the diet and lifestyle sector including for the UK celebrity diet club The Hairy Bikers Diet Club. Emma is part way through an undergraduate health science degree.

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